



勇於去追夢吧! 敬每個逐夢人 :)

PS. 這首歌只有這裡有獨家翻譯!



Everyday I run a race 每天我都在賽跑

Just trying to get ahead 試圖拔得頭籌

Don't think about where I am now 不去思索我正在哪

Just where I want to be instead 而是我渴望去哪裡

I'm loosing so much precious time 我正在耗掉許多珍貴的光陰(我如此努力)

But will I be satisfied in the end 但,在盡頭時,我是否會對自己的表現感到滿意

Oh, in the end 噢,在盡頭時



I don't wanna spend my life 我不想要花上大把的歲月

Trying to fight for what's not mine 去為了不屬於我命定的事情而奮戰

I don't wanna lose myself In someone else's dream 我不想要在某個人的夢想中,失去了我自己

I know I was made with a purpose 我知道,我生來的目的

To reach past the surface 是為了超越桎梏、讓生命更有深度

Live life fearlessly 無畏地闖蕩人生

I want nothing less Than to be who I'm meant to be 沒有什麼比成為命中注定的那個人,還要更重要



Everyone is on their way 每個人都已經在自己的路途上

But I am standing still 但我仍然持續站在某個地方

Comparing my "Behind the Scenes Against their highlight reel 總是將我辛酸的"幕後花絮",與別人的精彩片段相比

I'm burning so much energy 我正在燃燒許多能量

Won't let it keep distracting me anymore 不會再讓別人的成就使我分心(我要專注在我自己所真正想要的)

Anymore, oh 不會再這樣了



I don't wanna spend my life 我不想要花上大把的歲月

Trying to fight for what's not mine 去為了不屬於我命定的事情而奮戰

I don't wanna lose myself In someone else's dream 我不想要在某個人的夢想中,失去了我自己

I know I was made with a purpose 我知道,我生來的目的

To reach past the surface 是為了超越桎梏、讓生命更有深度

Live life fearlessly 無畏地闖蕩人生

I want nothing less Than to be who I'm meant to be 沒有什麼比成為命中注定的那個人,還要更重要



Nothing less than Who I'm meant to be 沒有什麼比成為“自己想成為的那個人”還要重要

Live life with purpose 懷抱夢想地活著

Reach past the surface 超越任何表層的事物

It's who I'm meant to be 這就是何為"我命定要成為地人"



I don't wanna spend my life 我不想要花上大把的歲月

Trying to fight for what's not mine 去為了不屬於我命定的事情而奮戰

I don't wanna lose myself In someone else's dream 我不想要在某個人的夢想中,失去了我自己

I know I was made with a purpose 我知道,我生來的目的

To reach past the surface 是為了超越桎梏、讓生命更有深度

Live life fearlessly 無畏地闖蕩人生

I want nothing less Than to be who I'm meant to be 沒有什麼比成為命中注定的那個人,還要更重要

    創作者 娜歐蜜★好歌譯 的頭像


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